Weight loss surgery, like any other surgery, carries risks. There is no available surgery that carries no risk, not even minimal. If your doctor says otherwise, I suggest you seek a second opinion, as this is false.

Obesity is a chronic and irreversible condition that causes multiple related diseases. It is important to note that bariatric surgery is not "cosmetic", the indication for this procedure is related to health issues. Bariatric procedures are technically complex, so special training and a range of skills and abilities of the surgeon dedicated to this field are crucial. Fortunately, there is evidence that the benefits of obesity surgery for patients far outweigh the risks involved. The risks associated with gastric sleeve or gastric bypass are fully identified and quantified, and these types of procedures are now performed with the same level of risk as any other type of surgery.

Rest assured that if you have been prescribed weight loss surgery, your health and quality of life will soon start improving and a number of conditions will be corrected. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), surgery reduces the risk of premature death by 30%, while the risk of severe complications in our center is around 1%. 

What can you do to minimize the risks of bariatric procedures?

Although there are special instructions for obese patients, the same guidelines to be followed for any other surgery apply:

  • The level of experience of the surgeon in laparoscopy and obesity surgery is fundamental, this is by far the most important factor. Do your research and make sure your surgeon is well trained and has performed a significant number of bariatric procedures in his career and that he operates in a high-volume center. This will allow you to successfully treat any complications that may arise. 

  • To minimize risk, the hospital or clinic where these procedures are performed must be in perfect condition and equipped with everything necessary to safely perform a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass.

  • Ask your doctor for a detailed explanation about the technique to be performed, as well as its pros and cons. You must be fully informed before making a decision on which procedure to choose and why.

  • As a patient, following closely all the instructions provided by your doctor, from your pre-operative diet to the recommendations during your recovery, is vital so that everything goes as expected.

  • If you are going to have surgery, keep in mind that as a patient you have the right to a second opinion. If your doctor is honest, they should have no objections.

Today, bariatric surgery is performed in Mexico with world-class standards that meet two basic requirements: an experienced surgeon and adequate hospitals for these procedures, providing patient safety at all times.
