Graciela’s case is a bit different. She was not morbidly obese, the most she weighted was 181 lbs (82.5 kg), but suffered from diabetes, reason why she decided to undergo bariatric surgery.
“I was always very thin, even after having my kids I did not put on much weight. My excess weight was due to the sedentary lifestyle that I had. I gained 44 lbs (20 kg) because I was always very active and suddenly stopped doing all those activities”.
Graciela had a higher risk of developing Diabetes since her mother suffered from this illness. Her Diabetes affected the functioning of the pancreas and thyroid, and caused high blood pressure, insomnia, chronic venous and arterial insufficiency, among other related conditions. Her vision was also greatly affected and she developed diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, therefore was not allowed to drive in order to avoid any accidents.
Nurse by profession, it was hard for her to fulfill her work obligations because she felt extreme fatigue, she was in almost chronic pain and unwilling to go out. When deciding whether to operate or not and discussed her case with Dr. Campos, Mrs. Lopez decided to take the risk alter evaluating the possible complications due to her diabetes problem.
During six months she underwent preoperative tests and preparations to undergo bypass surgery in April 2010, lasting five days hospitalized and where the only pain she felt was one similar to gastritis. "I spent three weeks in a liquid and soft diet and then I was able to take regular food."
"I lost weight gradually and now I spend my time doing various activities, I no longer depend on anyone to go out, do not feel pain, my vision is great, I can drive and do absolutely everything”.
"I am very grateful to Dr. Campos for speaking openly about any possible complications and risks, but also for his professionalism and excellent treatment before and after the procedure. I completely changed my life and I'm happy to have taken the risk because today I can see it was worth it. I could completely control diabetes”.
Graciela López | Gastric Bypass