LIC. ALEJANDRA RAMOS  |  Bariatric Nutrition

Graduated with excellent results of Instituto Mexicano de Estudios Superiores, la Lic. Ramos assists in Obesity Care Group in the integral management of patients, both for weight reduction as well as the clinical area. 

Previously, she was part of the applied program of the Obesity Clinic in Hospital el Magisterio in the city of Torreón, hospital in which she is currently Head of the Nutrition Department. Lic. Ramos runs her private practice as well,  and is part of the nutrition team at Hospital Angeles Torreón.

Working Experience 

  • Specific formation and experience in the area of treating overweight and obese patients in regional obesity clinics.  
  • Current Head of the Nutrition Department of Clínica Hospital el Magisterio Torreón, Mexico, and part of the Nutritionists Team of Hospital Angeles Torreón, Mexico.